About Us

Hi! I’m Lauren, owner of Origins Goldens.

Our family lives in eastern Knox County, TN. We have two non-Golden dogs who also share our home, a Boston Terrier called Ziva, and an American Eskimo mix called Piper. Our first Golden Retriever is Kyra, a dark golden female who came from a breeder in Madisonville, TN. Our second Golden joined us in February 2023, a dark Golden male called Boone, from a breeder in South Carolina. We have two small children who love all of our dogs, too!

Our home is located on a couple of secluded acres outside city limits where we can let the dogs out to run, explore, and play. The space allows us to start early training and behavior shaping with our puppies, such as potty-training and basic commands like recall and sit/stay.

In 2022, I joined both the Golden Retriever Club of America, the national breed club, and the Oak Ridge Kennel Club, a local all-breed club. We also maintain good standing with the American Kennel Club, and all of our litters are registered with the AKC.

We hope to grow involvement with the AKC and the ORKC in the upcoming years as we seek to earn titles and participate in various events, and learn more about the sports!